A few weeks ago, I collapsed on my bed, exhausted.

It had been one of those really busy days.

And I wished that I could just take a day off the next day to watch Netflix and rejuvenate, because boy, did I need it.

But of course, I couldn’t do that.

Now, I’m pretty good at removing the fluff from my life. It’s definitely a strength of mine to be able to say “no” to things that I don’t need to be doing.

But my packed to-do list for the following day was still there.

I felt exhausted and prayed for strength to get through the following day.

And here’s an example of when the Lord used my scripture reading to answer my prayers and needs in an immediate way.

As I was reading my scriptures that night, I happened to read D&C 64:33.

Here, the Lord says:

“Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing”.

That phrase, that I’ve heard a million times before, hit me like lightning.

Doing good things and being a good person is literally the whole point of this life.

NOT to get my work out of the way so that I can watch Netflix as much as possible.

Yes, I need to make sure I’m not running faster than I have strength and that I’m sleeping well.

But then… I WANT to let the good things that I’m doing energize me instead of drain me.

And it may sound overly-simplistic, but that’s what I chose in that moment.

I simply CHOSE to let the good things that I’m doing ENERGIZE me instead of drain me.

And… it worked.

I know, I know, it sounds too easy. But I think the mind is a powerful thing.

Deciding to not complain about all the good things that I’m doing opened the door for gratitude and energy to come in to my life in an even greater capacity.

And I even gained some clarity on a few things in my life that I thought were the best, but were not necessary.

Piece by piece, I’ve started finding that joy even more.

I’ve stopped glorifying my “busy-ness” and my fatigue.

I’ve got a lot of really great, really important things on my plate.

And I’m gonna keep on going and finding the joy.

Because God wants me here on earth to DO good and BE good, AND have joy.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I really love your thoughts and believe we definitely have a choice in attitude. I would like to know how to better be not weary in well-doing and keeping a positive attitude when struggling with debilitating and painful chronic illness. Especially, when additional challenges keep coming one on top another.

    1. I haven’t experienced a chronic illness, so I may not be the best one to give advice. However, when I am pregnant I am sick for many months. I try to turn to the Lord more, do what I can, and change my expectations for when I am in those situations. When I have the spirit with me and try to do what the Lord wants, the spirit can prompt me on what I can do and provide comfort when what I am doing is enough. Best of luck! <3

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