I had a cold a few weeks ago, and my nose got totally plugged up on one side.

Breathing through one nostril is for sure one of the most obnoxious minor inconveniences to exist.

I suddenly waxed very poetic and thought about all the times that I had walked around with two functioning nostrils, and hadn’t even appreciated them for the blessings they were.

I feel like I get this way every time I have a cold.

And yet, when I’m perfectly healthy, I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned in prayer any gratitude for functioning nostrils.

And I think that’s the real secret to success with gratitude.

Maybe I really should practice being filled with gratitude every day that I wake up with two functioning nostrils!

That wouldn’t necessarily bring me more blessings in my life.

But by thinking of the health and full function of various body parts, I start to realize just how many blessings I really have.

It’s not only the vain repetitions that I sometimes utter in prayer.

It’s not just: family, house, and “all my many blessings”.

In D&C 78:19, the Lord reminds the saints that:

“He who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious;

“and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.”

I don’t know that this necessarily means that being grateful GIVES me infinitely more blessings.

Maybe it’s really that there are an infinite number of things to be grateful for, and when I open my eyes to see that, then I’ve added that many blessings to my list.

I want to see hundreds and hundreds of things around me, and feel that gratitude.

Not necessarily for a list to mention in my prayers.

But so that I can allow my attitude of gratitude to fill my soul and point me to the One who makes it all possible.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I have found that an attitude of gratitude has helped me a lot through the COVID 19 pandemic. I agree that there are so many things to be grateful for. I am trying to continue being grateful so that I will be able to see even more of the wonderful things the Lord has for us. Thanks for reminding us to be grateful ????

  2. I love your outlook on life. I need to look for more blessings & be grateful.

    Whatever you look for, you will find.
    (blessings, things that bug you, etc.)

    Thanks for the effort you put into these.
    I think you’re amazing & beautiful.

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