What’s the greatest good you could be doing right now?

How could you make the biggest impact for good on others that you possibly can?

It’s gotta be something big right?!

A big event.

An elaborate service project

A huge social media account.

Greatest good = tons of people, right?

I want to flip the question a bit.

What things have made the biggest impact in YOUR life?

Who has inspired you to live the gospel with integrity, and how did they inspire you?

Who has taught you how to be kinder and more loving, and how did they teach it?

For me, the answers to those questions are not big.

At least, they don’t look big.

They look like a text message sent at exactly the right moment.

They look like a leader who always lived the gospel with integrity.

They look like someone teaching a lesson that they probably never got thanked for, but one phrase completely changed me.

Doing the greatest good seems to not look like large, grandiose gestures.

Doing the greatest good looks an awful lot like becoming a Christlike person who tries to do the little things that He would do.

So what’s the greatest good you could be doing right now?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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