I share a lot of gospel-related personal stories.
Looking back at every podcast episode, every Instagram post, every email on my email list…
I’ve shared hundreds and hundreds of personal stories just over the past 2.5 years.
But for this post, I’m not going to.
Because I want you to know that for every story I share, there are stories that I purposefully do not share.
In D&C 84:73, the Lord reminds the church, and specifically the apostles, that:
“They shall not boast themselves of these things, neither speak them before the world; for these things are given unto you for your profit and for salvation.”
God gives us sweet, spiritual experiences that are for our own personal benefit.
Sometimes, we share those experiences with others to help lift and inspire and connect.
But there are other experiences that are just for us.
They are purely to help strengthen our own testimony and to help us gain salvation.
For me? I just know.
There are some experiences that I know will make cute, or funny, or poignant spiritual messages to share with others.
And there are other experiences that I just know I want to keep to myself.
They are either difficult to describe, too nuanced to write down, too personal on nature, or even, on occasion, too miraculous to speak.
It can be a little strange when everyone starts sharing stories, and you know that your story would fit right in, but you just know that’s it a little too sacred to share.
It’s okay.
Not everything needs to be shared.
It’s okay to keep some things in your heart.
Happy Studying!
-Cali Black