I threw myself on my bed and cried.

My roommates walked in with a slurpee and a soda for me to cheer me up.

But I wasn’t in the mood.

I was a grump for the next few days.

In my mind, my friends were asking too many questions and being too overwhelming.

I just wanted to be alone and deal with my emotions from the door that had just been shut in my life.

I kept being sad, and I didn’t want to stop.

I realized I didn’t want to be comforted yet.

A few days later, I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

NOW I was ready for comfort and support from friends and family.

Now I was ready for treats and parties and talking about it.

Now I was ready to pray for comfort and to turn to the scriptures.

I’ve learned that we have to be ready for comfort from others.

I’m sure that as soon as something heartbreaking and difficult happens in our lives, our Heavenly Father is ready to send His Spirit as a comforter.

Sometimes, we are ready right away and crave that comfort.

And other times, we need some space before we are really ready to accept that comfort.

D&C 98:1 “Verily I say unto you my friends, fear not, LET your hearts be comforted”.

We have a part to play in receiving comfort, in allowing our hearts to feel the comfort that God is willing to offer.

It’s okay if we aren’t ready yet.

But when we are, we can let our hearts feel the comfort that our kind Heavenly Father wishes to give to us.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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