I needed a solution recently.

I asked around to everyone who could possibly help me out.

No solution yet.

The deadline was approaching and I still didn’t have an answer.

I prayed a lot.

I prayed and then followed through on every single action that came to my mind.

And still, no solution.

The deadline day came…

And passed.


I kept praying.

I was doing everything that I could do. And so I really leaned into my faith.

“Heavenly Father, I know that the perfect solution is out there, and I have faith that it will happen whenever it needs to happen best. In the meantime, I will do everything I can on my end.”

It was really peaceful.

When friends would ask me if I had found a solution yet, I got in the habit of responding, “Nope, not yet, but I have faith it will come soon!”

Two weeks.

Two very long weeks after the deadline had passed.

It took hard work to actively choose faith that a solution was on its way every single one of those days.

And then, it came.

A better solution than I could have even imagined.

Now, I could tell quite a few stories where I have NOT used my faith in God to bring me patience while I wait. Plenty of examples.

But this recent experience was really cool for me.

I felt buoyed up. Even as I “stepped into the darkness” for those two weeks, I visualized taking those dark steps, but still landing on something.

I just couldn’t see what it was yet, but I knew I eventually would.

“Waiting patiently on the Lord” (D&C 98:2) is something we are all asked to do at various times.

And I’ve learned through personal experience of this beautiful tie between patience and faith.

Patience, the kind of patience we have to endure when we know we’ve down absolutely as much as we can…

Patience is really just having true faith that God is taking care of things in whatever way He chooses.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



One Response

  1. I’ll be absolutely honest. I needed a solution too, an answer to prayer and it was about a “doctrine” in our church that was bothering me. I was not being pressured by a time line, I just wanted to know the truth and to be at peace about it. Being raised in the church from birth I was taught all about this doctrine. I was impressed to read some books on those who taught against this particular doctrine from there perspective. After having this information I went to the Lord in earnest prayer and asked which was right. The answer I received was not what I expected. I thought I would get a straight answer. The Lord told me to go to the scriptures and study it out and the answer would become obvious. I did that and the answer was crystal clear. What I learned was what I wanted to understand, not from my perspective or the Church’s perspective, or someone else’s perspective, but from the Lords perspective. To this day I am grateful for what I learned.

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