I could NOT decide which high school to attend the following year.

I had finished up my freshman year, and had to make the pretty dramatic decision, at least to a 15-year-old, about which school to attend.

I knew my two options.

And I had faith in the power of prayer, so I prayed all summer long.

But… no answer.

But I knew the answer would come at some point, right? So I kept just praying.

Still… no answer.

My parents started to counsel me that I needed to get some more information about the two schools.

I needed to learn information, and that as I did, I would probably feel inspired for which school to attend.

I ended up getting course lists for both of the schools and mapping out my grad plan.

And all of a sudden, one of the schools seemed like a way better fit.

I was drawn to their huge offering of elective classes that matched my interests, and it just seemed like the right way to go. It seemed obvious!

And that’s when I realized… that was my answer.

When Joseph and other leaders were trying to make a decision together, the Lord taught them to make their decision: “inasmuch as it shall be made known to him by the voice of the Spirit, and according to the counsel of the order, and by the voice of the order.” D&C 104:36

Did you catch that? The Lord wanted them to come to their answer by listening to BOTH the voice of the spirit and the counsel of the people in the room.

President Nelson has even recently said: “I know that good inspiration is based upon good information”.

I’ve seen this time and time again since my teenage years.

Praying for inspiration AND learning from people who may know more than I do is the way that my mind is usually enlightened.

My husband sees this in his calling, too.

So, if you’ve been waiting for inspiration to strike, it might be worth it to start gathering information, and see where that takes you!

Have you had an experience like this before? Where good information or counsel led to better inspiration from the Spirit?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



One Response

  1. This is real relative right now in this world we live in. Where “fake news,” and deceit is everywhere. It comes down to, “Who do you trust.” “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” ( Proverbs 3: 5-6). This is a good answer. The struggle I see, is a lot of people have forgotten the attributes and character of the Lord our God and therefore they can’t get answers because because their own character is not in harmony with God at all.

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