I attended a funeral a few weeks ago.

Let me tell ya, there is nothing like a funeral to get you reflecting long and hard about what you are doing with your life right now.

Because not a single person who spoke at this man’s funeral said anything about his home.

Nothing about his car.

Virtually nothing about his work achievements.

Nothing about his possessions (except his golf clubs!).

It was all about who he was and how he made other people feel.

It was about the moments he comforted, and joked around, and led.

He was so so so loved, and it was all because of how he made other people feel.

The Lord told the two men who kept waiting around in Ohio to wrap up their business endeavors:

“Let them repent of all their sins, and of all their covetous desires, before me, saith the Lord; for what is property unto me? saith the Lord.” D&C 117:4

What is property unto me?

What will we be keeping with us when we leave this world behind?

What will our loved ones on this side actually care about and remember the most when we depart this life?

And so that brings me to this question that’s been on my mind these past few weeks that I’d love to extend to you:

How will I use my choices today to reflect my real priorities?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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