Isn’t that such a relief to know?

Every time we obey, love, and perfect ourselves, we can expect blessings.

Sometimes, when I mention looking for blessings, I’ll get people telling me:

“Hey we shouldn’t only want to do good things and become good people because of the blessings. That’s a little selfish.”

I totally agree, 100%.

But also, I think it’s okay for me to want blessings.

Life is rough.

Sometimes in big, dramatic ways.

And other times in small, obnoxious ways.

Like having to clean up a whole lot of vomit from various places around your house, pregnancy symptoms kicking my trash, falling behind on work deadlines… it’s been a week around here.

And I’m not afraid to say that I want some blessings right now.

I need some blessings.

I pulled out those scriptures even when I was exhausted and in the worst mood ever, and I read them.

I pushed myself to serve in a couple of new ways.

Because I need those blessings.

And by “those blessings”, I don’t mean that I’m expecting Heavenly Father to take my problems away because I’m having a rough week.

They are all still waiting for me, trust me. 

But after studying the scriptures, I know that I can expect a few things:

Peace in my heart.

Strength to endure.

Inspiration for changes that need to be made.

And a greater dependence on and love for my Savior.

“When we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.” D&C 130:21

We absolutely should want to obey the commandments because we love God and want to become more like Him.

But, on the off chance that you need some blessings right now…

On the off chance that you had a rough week, or a rough day, too…

Then think about how you can add a booster of obedience into your life.

And if we are obedient with a willing heart, then we can expect the blessings to follow.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



3 Responses

  1. I love how you look at things and how you express your views and testimony. You may not realize how much of a blessing you are to many people in deepening understanding and enlightening perspective with CFM. Thank you for being you and carrying on. I look forward to reading your study snippets that often make me laugh and/ or cry and help encourage me to be and do better.
    Thank you! And may God grant you the blessings you desire.

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