My daughter will never know how much I sacrificed to bring her into this world.

My son will never know how much I had to do to keep him healthy and thriving.

My soon-to-be daughter will never understand how much I have to do to keep her growing while my own body freaks out.

And you know what?

It’s okay.

I don’t understand all the intricacies of what my own parents did day in and day out to provide the life for me that I had.

There’s no way I could fully understand.

So then I think about my spiritual heritage.

All 16 of my great-great-great grandparents on my mom’s side joined the church at some point, usually at a great physical or financial sacrifice.

And I’ve got a similar spiritual heritage on my father’s side.

I will never fully understand what they had to give up, the hard decisions they had to make, and the cost of their consistency and devotion to the gospel.

And it’s okay that I don’t fully understand (although I love learning their stories and trying!).

What Joseph Smith sacrificed to bring forth the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and numerous other revelations that have quite literally brought salvation to millions across the world, is incomprehensible.

He sacrificed his own life for the cause.

I will never fully understand what that is like.

And I will never fully understand what my Savior Jesus Christ did for me, and continues to do for me.

I learn, I study, I receive blessings, and I get little glimpses into what He has done.

But I’ll never truly “get it”.

Not understanding the extreme sacrifices of our predecessors is a natural, short-sighted, human thing to do.

But that doesn’t excuse me from the opportunity to be grateful.

To reflect on what my family members, both near and far, have done for me. To ponder on the prophet Joseph and other spiritual leaders. And to revere my Savior for His great atoning sacrifice and continued, sustaining help.

I will never fully understand all the sacrifices made to give me the plethora of privileges I enjoy.

But I can still learn about them and feel extreme gratitude for those who have given me my firm foundation.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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