“But after this week, things will calm down again.”

I saw a meme recently that said being an adult is basically saying that phrase over and over each week.

I had to laugh, because I know for sure that I’ve said that sentence countless times.

And do things ever “die down”?!

Not really. I mean, maybe a bit. But there’s always “something new” coming up.

It’s life.

And I’ve actually found a lot more joy and acceptance when I lean into that chaos a bit!

Instead of always waiting for things to “calm down”, I find that life is actually pretty good when I accept that there’s always going to be “something”.

There will always be a big event or deadline or life change or serious decision looming.

And it’s all good!

The 13th Article of Faith is so good, but one of my favorite lines is tucked away in the middle of it:

“We have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things.”

Isn’t that awesome?!

NOT: “We have endured many things and hope that things will calm down and we will actually get blessings pretty soon here”.

But instead, embracing the fact that the future is going to be filled with more things to endure!

We aren’t looking for rest and calm in this life. That isn’t our doctrine.

Our doctrine is that we are ready to endure.

We’ve done it in the past, we are ready to do it some more in the future, and we have hope that we can handle it.

So is this week looking crazy for you?

Ready for things to die down a bit?

After December, honestly, maybe they will for a while!

But we are Latter-day Saints who have endured many things, and sure hope to be able to endure all things that will come our way in the future.

We’ve got this.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. It’s so funny, a friend and I were just talking about this. She is in the middle of raising small children and my husband and I are “retired” and serving a service mission. I told her I had spent my life thinking “next week will be better” and now I realize that having a lot to do is a great blessing. I love thinking about the 13th article of faith in this way.

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