Growing up in California, I wasn’t surrounded by many members of the church.

I remember it was around middle school that religious differences between my friends and me started to become more obvious, and people became curious about what I believed and why I did or didn’t do certain things.

So one day at a friend’s house, one of my closest friends asked, “Cali, so what does your church believe?”

I felt like I had been preparing for this my entire life!

I decided to launch into an explanation about the Plan of Salvation, and I even remember drawing out the whole diagram with arrows, earth life, and ending with the three kingdoms of glory.

That moment was so powerful in my mind because I was totally on my own, having to explain my beliefs. I was proud of what I did.

But I also realized that what I was explaining wasn’t having the impact that I wanted.

I could tell I had lost their attention and their interest. (I’ve always been a very self-evaluative person.)

Should I have started with Joseph Smith instead? Or maybe the Book of Mormon?

This dilemma stuck in my mind for a long time. I wanted to find the right thing to start these conversations with, so that other people would really “get” our religion without me launching into obscure concepts right off the bat.

And then, years later, I saw the opening lesson in the Preach My Gospel manual.

It is a lesson on the First Vision, yes, but the first concept that is taught is:

“God is our loving Heavenly Father.”

That felt so right to me. That’s where I should begin.

And then I made the connection…

What’s that first Article of Faith I had learned all those years ago?

“We believe in God, the Eternal Father…”

We believe in God, and we know that God loves us.

That statement was much more simple than the answer I thought I had been looking for.

But that statement is also so much more powerful.

Do you believe in God?

And do you believe that God is a loving, eternal, Heavenly Father?

What a blessing that is to believe!

And I’ve found that when I share that joy and that belief with others, I am able to give them the quickest glimpse into what truly matters to me.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. Cali, I think that is a great starting point to share our understanding of our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. Another one that I like to bring up 1st is to answer the question, “Who am I,” and oft times I start right in with the idea that we are temples of the living God, created in His image, with the potential to become as He is! Then I go in to the kind of being He is, His character and attributes. That He is a being of Love, Truth, and Honesty. He is virtuous, pure and kind, merciful and just. And all he asks, is that we follow Him into this same relationship of character, and that is how we come to know Him!

    1. Thank you, that is a sweet, informative testimony of your faith. You can feel the sincerity in your heartfelt words. We are so blessed to have the Gospel in our lives and you expressed it well. Thank you for your sharing insight.

  2. I remember soon after I was baptized an Aunt & Uncle came to visit; I was so full of fire and trying to explain why I joined the Church, my Uncle shut me down immediately; and I was so disappointed. It happened with all of my family. But about 37 years later my mother joined the church; my dad, who had a stroke was paralyzed on right side; and could no longer talk or hear, went to Church with us anyway. I think if he could have understood, he would have joined the church. His work was done and my parents were sealed after both of their deaths, and I was happily sealed to them. I have been a member 62 years and have NEVER doubted, I know this is the Restored Church of Jesus Christ; led by a prophet of God!
    I love my Heavenly Father and HIS plan of happiness; we are so blessed.

  3. I love my dear Heavenly Father, when I was three years old my mother was sick and I was sent to my Grandfather’s house. I was scared and he told me about Heavenly Father. He said I could kneel down by my bed and pray to Him, ( I always said my prayers) and ask Him to help my mother. I went to bed, kneeling down by the bedside and asked Heavenly Father to make my Mommy better. The next day she came home all better with my new baby brother.

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