I’ve always thought of this phrase with a church-wide perspective.

Like, “we believe the prophet will still receive revelation for things in the future”.

But it’s just as powerful to realize that this is a personal statement, too.

I believe all that God has revealed to me personally in the past.

Those promptings about choices to make, those confirmations, that guidance.

I believe all that He does now reveal in my life.

I am seeking out and actively believing the personal revelation that I need right now.

And I believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things that will help me build up the kingdom of God.

I believe this.

I know that I will continue to have difficult questions.

I know that I will continue to have choices to make.

I know that I will experience heartbreaking circumstances in the future.

I know that things will not go according to my plan.

And yet, I believe that He will reveal to me everything that I need to know in order to make it back to Him and improve myself.

I believe that.

And that belief leads to a great deal of trust and confidence as I prove Him right, time and time again.

Personal revelation is a miracle.

Not just as a distant concept of hoping the prophet is doing his part to lead the church.

But as a personal principle that has led me in the past, steers me right now, and gives me confidence in my future.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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