One of my plans for the new year is to get rid of things that are taking up my time.

But my biggest hang up has been “how”?

How do I know what to keep and what to eliminate?

I’ve heard the fantastic advice about “good, better, and best”.

But even that can feel a little vague at times.

How do I actually know what things are “good” and which are “better”?

One word really stood out to me as I read the account of the Creation that has never popped out before:


The Lord is constantly talking about what various fruits or vegetation will yield.

And everything is intended to yield something similar to what it is— trees yielding fruit that will produce new fruit trees; grains yielding seeds that will produce the same plants.

What a simple way to see what is good and what is not!

What does this action or activity YIELD in my life?

Does it yield a closer relationship to God or not?

Does it yield a better relationship with my husband and kids or not?

Does it yield personal development that uplifts me?

Those are the things I want to keep.

And, admittedly, sometimes I have to look at the long-term yield.

Family scripture study with a 4 and 2 year old doesn’t always produce an awesome short-term yield.

But I know I’m sowing seeds for a much delayed harvest on that one, so I’ll keep it (although we’ll probably play around with what it looks like to make sure it’s working alright).

So I think I’ll focus on weeding out some of the stuff that isn’t yielding what I’d like.

Or maybe it’s only yielding temporary fruits that are clearly taking way too much of my time and energy to cultivate for such little payoff.

God only created living creatures and plants that could multiply and yield after the manner that they are.

I’ve only got a limited amount of time in this life, and I want to make sure my good intentions and my divine potential are yielding results that are just as good and divine as I am.

What am I yielding?

Happy Studying!

Cali Black



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