Christ has done everything He can to set us up for success.

You know those spoiled, wealthy kids who have parents that give them a giant sum of money to “help them get started” and then continuously bail them out of every ridiculous decision they make?

I don’t think we are too far off from that, spiritually.

We are sent into this world with so much going in our favor, regardless of our physical circumstances.

We are here on a beautiful earth.

We are given bodies that are totally unique and have been especially created for us, with minds that can think and problem-solve.

We are given the light of Christ to point our consciences toward good and righteous things.

And we are given a Savior who keeps rushing to our assistance every single time we make a mistake, as long as we sincerely call on Him for help.

And so can you imagine how Jesus Christ feels when we actively choose to turn away from Him?

“They are the workmanship of mine own hands, and I gave unto them their knowledge”. (Moses 7:32)

Christ weeps.

Not to try and guilt us into choosing the right.

Not to shame us.

Not to make us feel bad for Him.

But He weeps because He knows what brings true happiness and peace, and He is so sad to see us bring more pain into our lives.

Christ weeps out of pure compassion.

Pure love.

As our Creator, as someone who has given us absolutely everything, He weeps.

He has probably wept for you and wept with you many times.

He loves you so much and He cares so much about the decisions you are making each day.

The Lord weeps.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. This is amazing insight! I love it! I want to always remember this post. Thank you so much. We are truly a blessed people.

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