Can you think of one of your most favorite gospel teachers that you’ve ever had?

I can think of a few who taught me in Young Women’s, in Seminary, at BYU, and in Sunday School that I will truly never forget.

But one thing I’ve noticed about these great gospel teachers, is that they always pointed me to the Savior.

Sure, there might have been other teachers who were more “popular” at the time. Flashier.

But they aren’t the ones who still stick out in my mind years and years later.

These favorite teachers weren’t just always talking about themselves and why they were the best teachers– they showed it by teaching me more about the Savior with every class.

I’m sure that Abraham was an amazing teacher as well.

He was probably charismatic and a great missionary, too.

Right as he was starting his ministry though, I love that the Lord gave him this same little lesson:

“Through THY ministry MY name shall be known in the earth forever”. (Abraham 1:19)

The purpose of Abraham’s ministry was not to spread Abraham’s name far and wide.

It was to spread the Lord’s name far and wide!

And that should be our real purpose every time we teach the gospel, too.

To be transparently honest, I struggle with what people might perceive of me on social media when it comes to this.

If you know me in real life, you know that I’m not pursuing fame here, and I truly have very little “pride” built up by what I do.

But at the end of the day, am I pointing the people who have chosen to follow my account to Cali Black, or to Jesus Christ?

I hope it’s Jesus. I hope it’s always Jesus.

My ministry is for HIS name.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



10 Responses

  1. Everything you share points me to the gospel every single time. Your love for our Savior Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father is demonstrated by how you unselfishly take a great deal of your time to try and uplift all who follow you. You are humble and real and a great example of just trying to keep trying to do better every day. To relook at things again and again and to realize this earth experience is a classroom. And you share things that might others in their journey. You truly minister in one of the greatest ways by doing what you do. Thank you.

  2. I have learned so much from your insight into the OT reading!!! You have literally opened my eyes to more than I ever thought was in these scriptures. Maybe, as I get older, I think more about the serious stuff and there is so much wonderful guidance in your snippets. I LOVE THEM!

  3. When I open my computer; your mini-lessons are the first thing I look for. Your lessons point me to my Savior and help me to seek after Him.
    Thank you for your ministry in HIS name –
    May God bless and protect you, and your precious family, daily,

  4. I just read tis today. Yes, I am a little behind in my studies; Right now life is a bit much. However, I very much enjoy these
    messages that you so eloquently describe in every day life situations. It is helping me to see the Gospel and apply it to my
    life in a very real manner. Thank you.

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