I was on a walk with my kids recently.

The kids were both in the stroller, and I was catching up on finally responding to some emails, texts, and DMs on my phone as I pushed.

It was nice.

And then my daughter wanted to get out of the stroller.

I stopped and she started walking right next to me.

All of a sudden, she wanted to talk about everything.

Every flower she saw. Every number on every house. Every dog or decoration.

I still had my phone in my hand, but I was no longer able to be “productive” on the walk.

So I put my phone away.

She didn’t want to just go on a walk.

She wanted to walk with her mom.

And that meant communication and connection.

It was a fun little walk before she got tired and wanted to get back in the stroller.

I’ve been trying to think about what it means to really walk with the Lord.

And I think my daughter showed me the perfect example.

We need to be doing the things that He is doing.

We need to be talking with Him. Communicating in prayers, both formal and informal.

We need to be finding connection with the Lord. Asking questions, making observations, learning.

“The Lord, before whom I walk, will send his angel with thee, and prosper thy way”. (Genesis 24:40)

So when we make the effort to walk with God, He not only walks with us…

He then also sends angels to accompany us on our walk.

Angels to guide, comfort, communicate, prosper our way.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. excellent.
    How often do I try to multitask when walking with The Lord.
    made me stop and think, and hopefully change.


  2. Thank you for your emails. I so appreciate your incites. When I read the scriptures I just don’t take away the kind of thoughts you seem to come up with each week. But I am starting to see some of the parallels from having my eyes open to applying the scriptures to myself. Thanks, Jan

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