One of my favorite aspects of belonging to a ward family is that we are given callings.

Everyone is called to be a ministering brother or sister, and then many are extended additional callings, ranging in time commitment and responsibility.

Callings can get a bad rap.

But every time we’ve moved to a new ward, I’ve eagerly volunteered, “Give me a calling as soon as you can!”

Because I love having something to do.

I love having a job, having responsibility, feeling ownership, feeling a sense of belonging, serving in some way.

This desire is what I immediately thought of when I read the beautiful patriarchal blessings that Father Israel gave to Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Manasseh.

He gave them blessings.

He taught them about their lineage.

He testified about God and His promises.

And then he tells Ephraim and Manasseh about their special calling:

“For thou shalt be a light unto my people, to deliver them in the days of their captivity, from bondage; and to bring salvation unto them, when they are altogether bowed down under sin.” (Genesis 48:11 JST)

These two men, and thus their posterity, were given some specific callings and assignments:

  • to be a light to other people
  • to deliver others from the captivity of sin
  • to teach others about salvation

Extra responsibility.

Not just to be a burden for these two tribes of Israel.

But to give them something worthwhile to do.

To feel belonging and confidence before the Lord.

To grow in service and in love with all humankind.

It’s the calling given to those members of these tribes.

The calling has been extended, and it just needs to be accepted and fulfilled to the best of anyone’s ability.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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