It was moving day, and our stuff was almost out of our apartment.

⁣I was of absolutely no use that day, since I had recently found out I was pregnant with our first, and I was beyond sick.

⁣⁣But my husband was doing great!

⁣⁣My heart sank as I looked at our completely empty apartment, though. ⁣⁣

Because even though our stuff was all gone, there was so much CLEANING that still had to happen before we handed the keys back to management the next day.

⁣⁣And my husband’s grad school schedule meant the cleaning would all fall to me. ⁣⁣

Even though I was so sick and so tired.

⁣⁣I remember my husband suggesting we just give the apartment back as it was, willingly forfeiting our deposit.

⁣⁣But it was a huge deposit, and I wanted to get that money back. ⁣⁣

I prayed that night that I would feel well enough to clean. ⁣⁣

That next morning, I woke up to a text from a lady in our ward that we were leaving:

⁣⁣“Hey Cali! I heard you are feeling really sick! (Congrats!) My family wants to come clean your apartment today so that you don’t have to. We’ll bring all our own cleaning supplies and make sure it’s super clean. You just rest and relax today!”

⁣⁣I never set foot in that apartment again, and we eventually got our full deposit back.

⁣I’ve thought a lot about this lady’s ridiculously kind offer, her teenage kids that probably weren’t super happy to learn about their family activity that evening, and her charitable heart that acted immediately after hearing a need.

⁣⁣I also have thought about how the Lord COULD have given me strength to clean my apartment. He could have caused my sickness to subside. ⁣⁣

But instead he gave this family a chance to serve and to act.

⁣⁣“We will surely be blessed with opportunities to be instruments in His hands”. -Elder Ulisses Soares ⁣

It’s a blessing to be able to do what the Lord would do. ⁣⁣

He could make it all happen on His own, without any of us helping.

⁣⁣But He generously gives us the blessing of being able to act in His behalf. 

⁣⁣Moses got this blessing, too. ⁣⁣

There were many ways the Israelites could have been freed. ⁣Yet the Lord was loving and kind enough to let Moses lead the way.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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