
Look at Nephi’s question. Who is doing the acting? 



Nephi is asking whether or not his brothers have acted. 

And then look at his brothers’ response. Who is doing the acting?

They are stepping away from taking ownership for the result and putting the blame on THE LORD for not acting in the way they want. 

They are, in essence, giving up their agency. 

They could be taking action, but instead are waiting on the Lord to intervene. 

Do we understand the marvelous, miraculous gift that agency is? The giant war that was fought over this gift? The sacrifice that our Savior made so that we could have this gift?

And these brothers were pushing it aside. They refused to use their agency. 

Are we throwing away our own agency?

Maybe without realizing it?

I think of the times I’ve known I’ve needed to make a change in my life, but waited until I felt a stronger spiritual urge before I did anything. 

The times I’ve avoided making decisions, thus deciding through my indecision so it didn’t seem like my fault. 

The times I’ve thought it was difficult to do my calling because someone else wasn’t doing {fill in the blank}. 

Are we unknowingly giving up our agency?

Or do we know that we can ALWAYS act and choose for ourselves?

We can make changes whenever we decide they are a priority. We can make decisions. We can fulfill our callings no matter what other people do or don’t do. 

We can inquire of the Lord instead of waiting around for it to be made known to us. 

That is using our agency. 

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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