This past week, my life has been pretty simple.

I’ve really only had to take care of myself and my new little baby.

This is all thanks to a husband who has been able to take off of work and a mom who flew in to help out with my daughter and change a lot of diapers.

Besides one appointment, I haven’t had to be anywhere or do anything other than spend time with my new little guy.

These are plain and precious times.

Simple. But the most important.

Now, within the next few weeks I’ll have more commitments added in, I’ll lose the constant support of another adult in the house, I’ll begin working again.

Life will inevitably get crazier and busier.

And that’s how life goes!

But I’ve found it so helpful to stay focused on the plain and precious things in my life, even when other distractions are added in.

When the dishes pile up, and a toddler is climbing on me, and we have to get out of the house on time, and I start feeling that stress build…

… I can think back to the plain and precious truths in my life.

That I have a beautiful family. That we love each other. That we are trying our best to be good each day. That we make changes to improve. That we focus on our Savior. That we love our God.

And that keeps me grounded.

I do the same thing with the gospel. When I get overwhelmed with feeling the weight of all the things I “should” be doing at church or start feeling confused, I bring my mind back to the pure and simple truths that I know.

And when I focus on those plain and precious truths, I am able to sift through the things that are good in order to find the things that are best.

Life may not be “plain and precious” all the time, but those most simple and important truths should always be able to calm us and guide us back to the most fulfilling life we can live.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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