It’s one of the biggest warnings given throughout scripture.

Because you know what Satan is so good at?

Making it seem like we can’t trust our spiritual memories.

Oh, there’s no way you were actually feeling the Spirit at girls camp. That was just all your happy emotions.

That wasn’t a miracle, it was just a coincidence.

You didn’t really receive a prompting to do that.

He’s so sneaky at making us distrust our own memories, right?!

And I think the adversary succeeded pretty well at convincing the Israelites that their memories, as well as the memories of their ancestors, deceived them.

And there on the battle field, facing Goliath, none of them were remembering what God had done for them.

They were just stuck in the moment.

But David?

He remembered.

“David said moreover, The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine.” (1 Samuel 17:37)

He KNEW he could defeat the Philistine BECAUSE he remembered what the Lord had already done in the past.

The Lord had strengthened David and delivered David from all sorts of dangerous situations.

And David remembered and accurately gave credit to God for his protection in the past.

This remembrance gave David the spiritual confidence to trust in the Lord again!

Do we have accurate spiritual memories, or are we letting time affect how we give credit to the Lord?

Remember. Remember the spiritual experiences from the past in order to gain strength for the giants ahead.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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