If every prayer was immediately answered, there would be no need for faith.

If every righteous person aced every test, made every sports team, and got major job promotions, there would be no need for faith.

If heartbreaking tragedies avoided every good person’s life, there would be no need for faith in Jesus Christ.

Faith in Jesus Christ doesn’t give any of us a “free pass” card from the trials in life.

Happiness will not always be ours.

But faith in Jesus Christ can bring joy at all times.

I think of “joy” as the more mature version of “happiness”.

It’s calmer. It’s deeper. It’s more peaceful.

I have felt true, peaceful joy when I didn’t get the part in the school musical that I wanted.

I have felt true, peaceful joy when I’ve felt left out of social situations.

I have felt true, peaceful joy when traumatic world events have happened around me.

I have felt true, peaceful joy with devastating personal tragedies.

“Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him”. (Job 13:15)

And it’s not because I’m naive.

Not because I’m pollyanna happy-go-lucky.

Not because I push my emotions down.

I have felt sadness and sorrow. I have cried by myself and mourned with others.

“The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.” —President Nelson

Staying focused on Jesus Christ is the way to live.

When I choose to focus on Jesus more than I focus on my own circumstances, everything feels a little bit more joyful.

Jesus will always be the constant that I can trust, and that knowledge alone will always bring me joy.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I too can attest of the joy that comes from following Jesus. Well said Cali- keep these coming. This is so helpful in my life – Through my joys and sorrows- these emails are always a bright light. Let your light shine – and your doing just that. ❤️

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