A lot of weird things go through your mind when your husband is called as bishop.

It was over a year ago now, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

“I know everyone says that bishops aren’t perfect, but I didn’t realize they would call someone so normal like us!”

“Oh no, we are going to be judged a lot.”

“This isn’t a convenient time in our life.”

“Will I ever see my husband again?”

“Hey this actually might be a lot of fun!”

… and a lot more weird, conflicting thoughts.

But it’s like our stake president could read my mind as we sat there in his office, processing the call.

He very wisely said:

“The Lord didn’t call you guys because you are perfect. Or even near-perfect. The Lord has called you because you are willing to serve.”

Prophets, apostles, bishops, RS presidents, counselors, leaders of any kind throughout time have never claimed to be perfect.

I’ve loved reading in the Old Testament this year about flawed, VERY FLAWED, humans that God used to spread His message and accomplish miracles.

But He was able to use them because they were WILLING to serve.

Isaiah, the man that we often revere as some kind of special guy who could spout off powerful prophecy that is complicated and deeply spiritual, felt unworthy for his call, too!

He felt so inadequate.

But then the Lord cleansed Isaiah from his sins, and he had a change of heart:

“I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)

Now Isaiah was ready to accept the call.

Not because he no longer had any weaknesses or desire to sin.

Not because he would always make good decisions in the future.

But because he was now willing to accept the call.

That’s all God really wants from us.

Willing moms and dads, not perfect moms and dads.

Willing ministering brothers and sisters.

Willing missionaries.

Willing musicians.

Willing scriptorians.

Willing hearts.

He wants you, not in some future, perfected state.

But exactly as you are right now, if you are willing to give your heart to Him.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I love this!!! Thank you for sharing and helping me to see past my imperfections to what the Lord wants and sees.

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