After partaking of the sacrament, THIS is the reason I’ve learned to love actual attendance at church.

I’m probably not alone in saying that the past few years have really made me be intentional about WHY I go to church.

If we can just have church at home…

If I can just read my scriptures and follow along at home…

If I can just share my testimony on social media…

If I don’t have to hear comments from people that aren’t super Christlike…

And then add in having to take care of little kids and babies who make it difficult to even be present in the rooms I should be in…

Why am I going to church?

I can’t overstate enough that the actual main reason is because of my devotion and love to God to keep His commandments and my desire to take the sacrament and be washed clean and renew my covenants.

But after all that…

My congregations throughout the years have brought me the sweetest examples of service and cheering others on.

When I’ve been in a rough place and a good friend pulls me aside and asks me how I’m doing.

When I’ve been emotional and someone just looks at me and smiles.

When I’ve laughed til I’ve cried at funny things kids have said.

When I’ve walked out of sacrament meeting (yet again) with a screaming baby, just to be met by 3 different people who all walked out to give me a break.

When someone has said hi when I’ve felt forgotten.

It’s all service.

It’s all love.

It’s all compassion.

It’s all Christlike.

“They helped every one his neighbour; and every one said to his brother, Be of good courage.” (Isaiah 41:6)

We all need some help.

We all need someone to remind us to be of good courage.

We all need some help to point us back to Christ.

And I think we all have buried within us an innate desire to give that help.

To be that good neighbor.

To give that little smile.

To point someone else toward Jesus.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. Wow I needed this today. I had a rough night sleeping and really wanted to stay in bed. But I told myself the adversary was not going to win. And I am up to get ready to go to church.

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