Two extremes that we all face: overwhelm and emptiness.

What area of your life seems totally crazy and overwhelming right now?

Maybe housework, your calling, school work, teaching loved ones, scripture study, keeping up with schedules, work…

And then what is one area of your life that seems really empty right now?

Maybe spiritual nourishment, physical excercise, gratitude, family time, organization, social life…

It’s these two opposite extremes that are pretty prevalent in mortality for everyone.

We’ve all got areas that are like a crazy wilderness, and other areas that are like a dry desert.

I love that the Lord promises us that He will help us in BOTH of these areas:

“For the Lord shall comfort Zion… he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness shall be found therein”. (Isaiah 51:3)

We can turn our hearts and our desires over to Jesus.

And then He can help us find the beauty within the overwhelming wildernesses we have to face.

He turns that overwhelming, exhausting overgrowth into an Eden, with purpose and love in every flower and vine.

He’s helped me find purpose in finishing that last load of laundry, or find fulfillment in saying “no” to that extra commitment.

And He can help us build up a flourishing garden in places where there were deserts.

He gives some of His everlasting water to the dry ground to bring new energy and life.

He’s helped me to see clear paths forward for how to study general conference talks more often, or given me promptings on how to find new activities to start.

So what’s your wilderness right now?

Where is your desert?

How has the Lord helped you in the past to turn both of them into beautiful gardens, and how might He be able to help you right now?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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