I’ve attended a lot of baptisms over the past couple months!

We’ve had many friends in our ward turn 8 and choose to be baptized, and it’s been so fun to attend and celebrate each one.

I’ve noticed some patterns though.

First of all, grandparents give the sweetest baptism and Holy Ghost-themed talks, and it’s so fun to see how each person puts their own spin on it.

But secondly, I’ve remembered how simple the baptism ordinance is.

It’s over in literally just a few seconds.

This powerful, soul-saving essential ordinance accompanied by everlasting covenants is so…




It’s little 8 year olds who love Jesus, want to follow Him, and choose to keep a commandment.

It’s so simply beautiful.

“Be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord.” (Isaiah 52:11)

When these young children take upon themselves the name of Jesus and receive the Holy Ghost, they are bearing the vessels of the Lord.

These girls and boys have access to the priesthood power of the Almighty God as they keep their covenants.

Life is going to get a whole lot more complicated for these 8 year olds as they navigate what it’s really like to be Christlike in a world filled with fallen mortals and temptations everywhere.

But the premise is still pretty simple.

Whether it’s our initial baptism, or whether it’s the weekly renewal in another simple ordinance, we are invited to be clean so that we can access our priesthood power and bear His holy name.

Scrub off that sin, that tarnish, that anger, that hard heart, and just be clean.

And when that cleanliness doesn’t stay too long, we can try it again next week. 

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I teach the high school students in Sunday School and sometimes it is difficult to get them to remember this precious covenant they have already made. We love them so dearly but we have way too many who are choosing to stray off the path in these challenging years.

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