I am grateful that it isn’t my responsibility to warn the entire world about what they should or shouldn’t be doing.

“I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me”. (Ezekiel 33:7)

Prophets have weighty calls.

But… I’m not totally off the hook.

I do have responsibility for teaching some people.

Who do I have stewardship over?

My family members should always be my top priority.

I want to do my absolute best to make sure they know how to make and keep covenants and why I think it’s the best decision that they can make.

But I also have the opportunity to fulfill my calling.

Formal callings like teaching and duties like ministering assignments.

I want to also make sure I speak openly about Jesus and help them to come closer to Him by interacting with me.

And then even in casual settings.

When I speak with friends, when I interact with someone at the store, when I post on social media.

I can find opportunities to bear simple or unspoken testimonies of what I believe and how that affects who I am.

Even though we don’t have the same weight that prophets do…

Even though I don’t have to declare everything I know to the whole world…

I can still do my part to make sure I am sharing God’s words, teachings, and love with everyone I come in contact with!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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