Many of you remember that towards the end of President Thomas M. Monson’s life, he started giving very short talks in General Conference.

And instead of giving multiple talks, he would just give one, usually 4 or 5 minutes long.

I’ll be honest that because of this shift, I didn’t really remember much about what President Monson said in his talks.

But I DO remember one General Conference where it seemed like each speaker thanked President Monson for encouraging them to focus on the Book of Mormon for the past six months.

They each shared how their own lives had been blessed by following the prophet’s counsel.

I thought to myself: What did I miss?!

I didn’t even remember what President Monson had spoken about at the last conference.

I went back to read his message again, and sure enough, in his own flowery and poetry-filled way, there was this essential counsel from a prophet of the Lord to focus more on the Book of Mormon.

I really felt like I had missed the boat, and I made a promise to Heavenly Father that I would never take lightly or dismiss the words of His living prophet ever again.

It’s almost refreshing to read an account in the Old Testament this week where Haggai, a prophet of the Lord, tells the people in Jerusalem to change.


“Then… the remnant of the people obeyed the voice of the Lord their God, and the words of Haggai the prophet, as the Lord their God had sent him”. (Haggai 1:12)

It’s almost shocking compared to the rest of the Old Testament, right?!

They heard the words of the Lord through their prophet, and they obeyed.

And how did the Lord respond?

“Then spake Haggai the Lord’s messenger in the Lord’s message unto the people, saying, I am with you, saith the Lord.” (Haggai 1:13)

The Lord is with us when we take seriously the words of His prophets and decide to make a change!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I felt the same way when I read that the Israelites changed after Haggai spoke to them – I was a little bit shocked. But oh so gratifying, to know that they could change and so can I (especially when I listen to the prophet). Thanks for your message.

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