Can we get weirdly specific about a temptation I think a lot of us face, but don’t talk about that much?

The temptation to NOT pray.

Not just forgetting to pray, although I think that can often be a side effect of the issue, but choosing to NOT pray.

In fact, Nephi even specifically calls out this strategy of the adversary in 2 Nephi 32:8:

“…the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray.”

Why would we not pray?

  • I’m too angry to pray.
  • I don’t have anything new to say.
  • I feel like I just prayed.
  • I’m too overwhelmed/tired to actually say a meaningful prayer.
  • What’s the point? Nothing changes anyway.
  • I’m not feeling grateful right now.
  • It’s not that big of a deal.
  • He knows what’s going on in my mind, so I don’t need to say a formal prayer.

How do we root out this temptation that is so specifically called-out in the scriptures?

The good ol’ Bible Dictionary puts it perfectly.

Many of the difficulties or temptations we face for not praying come from forgetting about our true relationship with Heavenly Father: that He really is our Father, and we are His children.

  • God wants us to talk to Him when we are angry and upset.
  • He doesn’t care if we think we are too tired to have a meaningful conversation with Him.
  • He doesn’t get tired of hearing from us.
  • We don’t need to impress Him with outstanding new stories or phrases each time we talk with Him.
  • We know His will will always be done, so prayer is more about changing our hearts than changing His mind.

When we are reminded about our true relationship with the God of the Universe, prayer becomes instinctive and natural on our part.

And the temptation “to NOT pray” loses its power over us.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



One Response

  1. I think of prayer similar to talking to a loved one, a parent, a child. I call or text them out of love at anytime of the day or night to reach out, to let them know I’m thinking of them often and how grateful I am for the blessings they are in my life. Our Heavenly Father needs to hear from us, he loves us and blesses us, prayer is our connection to him, it is powerful sharing our pain, our love, our sadness and our gratitude. Showing our faith and belief in him through prayer. Asking for comfort and blessings for ourselves and others. Most important giving thanks for our beloved Savior and his atoning sacrifice. Prayer is a most sacred gift and blessing.

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