Recently, a good friend said, “I read this post online that was totally awesome!”

She then started to tell me what the post said.

… It was one of my posts. ????

She saw the smile on my face and stopped her explanation.

“Oh my goodness, was that one that YOU wrote?! I’m so sorry! I didn’t even look to see what account it was from!”

We both laughed.

I’ve been there plenty of times, too.

Where I read an amazing post or article, or listen to a great talk…

And then I can’t remember who wrote it or where it was from later!

There are so many authors online.

But when we get out and look at the world around us, there is only one author we need to remember.


Under the direction of His Father, He was the Creator of the earth.

Jesus is the author of it all.

And yet, when He came to earth; when He came to the work of His own hands:

“The world was made by him, and the world knew him not.” (John 1:10)

They didn’t know who He was.

They didn’t know what He had done.

The grass, the fish, the flowers, the wind, the warm sunny days, the wheat, the water, the lambs, and the lions.

It was all there because Jesus had created it in the first place.

And yet, Jesus came to the earth and still served and created.

He created healing and peace and love and hope and light.

He created forgiveness and mercy and power.

He changed lives and transformed hearts.

And so I want to hold a little more gratitude in my heart today for the Ultimate Creator.

I want to recognize all of His creations.

And I want to give praise for what He continues to create for me.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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