The longest chapter in the Book of Mormon.

And what is it about?

“he saw that his olive tree began to decay…”

“It grieveth me that I should lose this tree;”

“let us go down into the vineyard, that we may labor…”

It’s about our Savior trying to save an olive tree in his vineyard.

Now, this full allegory and its interpretation span the entire earth and thousands of years.

But what can I learn about the Savior’s personal mission in my own life from this lengthy chapter?

What can I learn about Christ’s nature from this story?

He wants to save me. He wants to help me. He will give me as many chances as he possibly can. He will not give up on me.

He will graft. And prune. And dig.

He will consider what soil he has planted me in and help me get good nourishment.

He will weep and grieve when I do not produce good fruit.

He will rejoice when I produce good fruit.

He will use his prophets and other servants to help me.

The allegory of the olive tree shows that my Savior cares about every branch and tree within his vineyard.

And it shows the lengths that he will go to, out of love, in order to save each member.

I am worth saving. I am worth the time. I am worth the effort.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black

Artwork: “Olive Tree Above Stone Fence” by Vitaliy



2 Responses

  1. I am way to literal when I read scripture and never know how things apply to me. I always skipped this entire chapter because of this. I really enjoy your emails and learn so very much from them!! Thank you for making these lessons about how things apply to us!! Thank you for brightening up my day!! <3 <3 <3 <3

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