Christ was traveling.

“And he must needs go through Samaria.”⁣ John 4:4

⁣But guess what?

Christ did NOT need to go through Samaria!

In fact, the Jews avoided Samaria because the Samaritans were considered such religious and political outcasts.

So why did Christ feel like He needed to go through Samaria?

Because that’s where He met the woman at the well.

It’s where He declared His divinity to her in a moment when she needed to know of His love.

Jesus knows our life situations.

He knows where we are and what we need in each moment.

He felt compelled to be in Samaria at that well, no matter how little sense it made to anyone else.

So what does that mean for you and me?

We can have faith that Christ feels the need to come to each of us in our circumstances and in our troubles.

He wants to come to us, just as we are.

He feels compelled to come to us as we go about our daily routine.

Jesus wants to help us.

And so we can expect Him to be near.

Even in those mundane moments when we seem just to be getting our daily water at the well.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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