I’ve teared up 2 different times over the past few days while scrolling through social media. (And I am NOT a “crier” at all, so that’s kind of a big deal.)

The first was a post where everyone was commenting about the things they are going to miss out on over the next month or so.

Birthday parties. Graduations. Sports. School trips. Performances. Vacations. Jobs. Weddings.

Those tears were tears of sadness.

There is a lot of grief in the world right now, and I felt a huge portion of it at the same time. So much loss and heartache.

The second time I teared up was when I saw a post of everyone sharing ideas to help people at home.

Free resources from companies. “Live” videos from famous authors, singers, artists. Indoor activity ideas for little kids. Free streaming fitness classes. Meditation. Offers to share toilet paper, wipes, and hand sanitizer.

I was just filled with this overwhelming feeling of love. There is always so much goodness in the world, but everyone seems to be pouring it out in greater abundance right now. And everyone was trying to lift each other up!

Those were tears of happiness and peace.

“What if we offered thanks for those situations that bring us frustration, sorrow, or even anguish?…

“As we sincerely thank God in and through our trials, we invite Him to help us see our trials and ourselves in a different way.

“Thanking Him rather than asking for something to be taken away helps us accept His unceasing effort to mold us into who we are meant to become.” -Bonnie H. Cordon

Our God is so merciful unto us.

He was merciful to his little olive trees that kept trying to grow and produce fruit.

And as the merciful being that he is, he gives us tender mercies to carry and change us through our burdens.

We can feel sadness and grief AND feel overwhelming gratitude for all the blessings we are receiving right now, from extra family time to a refocus on our priorities.

We can reflect on how our current personal trial is going to change us as we turn to our merciful Lord in gratitude. 

Source: BYU Devotional, Bonnie H. Cordon, Feb 4, 2020, “Ask of God: Our Solace, Guide, and Stay”

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I want to have the ability to find reasons for having gratitude in all circumstances that Corrie Ten Boom’s sister, Betsie, had. In the concentration camp she discovered that there was a true blessing attached having fleas in their beds. A much loved story for many!

    1. I love that story! I hadn’t thought about it in a long time, so thank you for commenting with it. 🙂 There are certainly always reasons to be grateful!

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