But who was this woman?

Her circumstances weren’t all that great.

Even in Samaria, she was likely an outcast.

Living with a man she wasn’t married to.

A woman with “a past”.

How might she have felt?

Alone? Forgotten? Frustrated? Guilty? Shameful? Confident?

I’m not sure.

But honestly, none of it mattered once she was converted to Jesus, the true living water.

“And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman”. (John 4:39)

She shared Jesus, and others believed!

Here she was, changing the world and turning hearts to Jesus.

“Her past and present circumstances did not determine her future.” -Susan H. Porter

She stopped focusing on herself and instead focused on Jesus.

And that’s when the good stuff happened.

He sees us with our potential.

He knows what we can become.

And not even just “what you can become” in the eternities.

But what you can become tomorrow.

And what you can become next week.

He knows because He’s seen this radical change over and over again when people choose to truly follow Him and preach of Him.

Lepers. Liars. Adulterers. The prideful. The stubborn. The rich. The poor. The woman at the well.

When we focus on Jesus, where we’ve been doesn’t really matter.

And He can use our willing hearts and our bold testimonies to share goodness and do His work.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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