Jacob was pleading with God. Praying for his people to feel the power of God and to change their ways.

He was doing his best.

Preparing powerful sermons, sharing meaningful allegories, listening to the Spirit’s promptings.

But many of the Nephites still were not fully converted unto Christ and righteous living.

And then Sherem came.

He was smart. He was flattering.

He convinced many people to fall away from the gospel of Christ.

This was surely making the situation worse, right?!

Jacob’s prayers were not being answered.

Jacob and Sherem meet. Sherem says there is no Christ. Jacob says there is. Sherem asks for a sign. Sherem “fell to the earth” for many days.

When Sherem wakes up, he asks for all the people to be gathered together so he can speak to them before he dies.

The multitude is there to listen to Sherem.

Sherem speaks about the reality of Christ. The power of angels. Of the Holy Ghost.

And the people listening are overcome by the power of God. They all fell to the earth.

The result when they woke up?

“Peace and the love of God was restored again among the people; and they searched the scriptures”.

Jacob’s prayers were answered.

In a completely unexpected way.

Things had to get much, much worse in order for the prayer to be answered.

But the prayer was answered.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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