My brain always goes big when I hear that phrase.

“A marvelous work and a wonder.”

I think of temples dotting the earth, messages from prophets that are spread instantly throughout the globe, well-oiled service systems ready to go in times of disaster.

There is indeed a great and marvelous work, filled with wonder, filling the earth today.

But what about in my little life?

“I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder”. (Isaiah 29:14)

Right before and after this verse, the Lord is actually talking about changing the prideful and hypocritical tendencies of people’s hearts.

I think one of the coolest, most marvelous wonders that the Lord can do is on an individual, personal scale.

I remember some super rude things that I’ve said to someone, feeling completely justified.

And now I feel embarrassed about it, and would never say something like that.

I remember having very judgmental thoughts in my mind almost constantly.

And now I have a lot more love in my heart.

I remember coming up with excuses for why I can’t keep certain commandments or principles of the gospel.

And now I sincerely want to follow the best I can.

What a marvelous work and a wonder He has done on my heart and on my will.

And just to be clear, there is a WHOLE lot more work to go.

In fact, the more Christlike my heart becomes, the more aware I am of just how far away I am from being Christlike.

The temples, the missionary force, the buildings, the service opportunities, the conferences…

It’s all amazing.

But it isn’t amazing just because it’s huge and grandiose and super cool.

It’s amazing because it allows our Savior Jesus Christ to do a marvelous work and a wonder in as many individual hearts as will let Him.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I have been able to see the work of the Lord since I was three years old. My mother was sick and had to go to the hospital. I was sent to my Grandfather’s house and he could see that I was scared. He told me that when I said my nightly prayers to ask Heavenly Father to bless my mother to get better. I did ask Heavenly Father to bless my mom and I slept very well. My mother was there when I woke up and had a new baby brother!

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