Wouldn’t it be awesome if the prophet could just perform some giant miracle on TV and the whole world would be converted?

I have definitely thought this before.

He could just go “live”, do some awesome miracle, and boom, everyone will be converted to Jesus.

Now truthfully, most miracles are sacred and personal.

Many aren’t meant to be displayed or even proclaimed publicly. ⁣

But I can think about stories in the scriptures when miracles HAVE been performed for large groups of people.

Like when Nephi told the people their chief judge had been murdered and then accurately told them how to catch the killer.

“And it came to pass that they went and did, even according as Nephi had said unto them. And behold, the words which he had said were true.” (Helaman 9:37)

After this crazy, public, dramatic miracle…

Some people were converted.

But… others explained it away.


How could you see that and not believe?!

Here’s what I’ve learned:

Faith is a choice.

We choose whether or not a miracle will strengthen our faith or whether we will explain it away.

We choose whether or not we see life through a lens of constant miracles or through a lens of random unorganized events.

We choose whether or not we allow miracles to humble our hearts and turn to God or whether we will appeal to our prideful knowledge and doubt.

“It is not by marvelous manifestations unto us that we shall be established in the truth, but it is by humility and faithful obedience to the commandments and laws of God.” – Joseph F. Smith

Miracles, both big and small, are everywhere.

If we look for the small miracles each day and intentionally try to grow our faith, then the big stuff will only strengthen us even more!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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