Two disciples were walking on the road to Emmaus.

Suddenly, the resurrected Savior approached them…

But their eyes were not able to recognize Him.

These disciples were sad.

They explained to the disguised Christ that their friend, Jesus, had been a mighty prophet.

But today had been the third day since His crucifixion, and He hadn’t returned yet. ⁣

After some more conversation, they arrived at their dwelling.

These disciples pleaded gently with the disguised Jesus:

“Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them.” (Luke 24:29)

They didn’t exactly know who this man was who had walked with them.

But He had read the scriptures to them and invited the Spirit.

I can imagine them thinking that if this person did anything to bring them closer to the Spirit, they wanted Him to stick around.

What journey have you been walking on recently?

Maybe you are learning to love the scriptures more.

Maybe you want more spiritual experiences.

Maybe you are looking to grow your faith.

No matter your path, Jesus is there walking with you.

EVEN when you don’t realize it.

It’s tough to see and recognize Him when our lives are filled with all sorts of mortal distractions.



But Jesus is with us!

And Jesus will stay with us on our path in the future, too, as we invite the Spirit to abide with us just a little bit longer.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I benefit every day from your comments. I’m 80 years old but your applications hit the make every time and are so refreshing.

  2. I love this… sometimes emotion can block our view of the closeness of the Savior. I love the thought that He is immovable regardless.

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