Abish. There’s a lot that I could say about this powerful woman, but I’m going to focus on one little part of her story that really touched me this time around.

As the crowds that she called for gathered round the fallen King, Queen, Ammon, and servants, they all started to argue.

Everyone had an opinion for what caused this group to lay there as if dead.
And the opinions started to get more and more heated.

Abish had worked so hard to gather this large crowd together, sure that this would finally convert them all to the Savior who she knew so well.

This was going to be it!

And instead, it had turned into a mob of chaos, confusion, and blame.

She was sad. And frustrated. And overwhelmed.

And so she stood there and cried.

She cried.

And then thought of one thing she could do.

She went to her friend, the Queen, and took her by the hand.

And it worked.

The Queen bore powerful and joyful testimony, raised her husband, and he calmed the crowd.

I remember in a job interview for a work-at-home position, I was asked what I would do if I had a work deadline to meet, but then I had to spend all day at an unexpected doctors appointment with my kid.

I responded: “I would probably cry. And then get to work.”

Sometimes, you just gotta cry.

Life is weird. And crazy. And frustrating. And blah for no reason. And tiring.

There’s chaos and contention.

And there’s no shame in a good cry.

But then, we have to pick ourselves up, and get to work.

We have to figure out that next step, and take it, trusting that the rest of the steps will appear afterwards.

God doesn’t want us to just feel happy all the time. In fact, we read in the scriptures many times that God Himself feels emotions other than happiness.

But He does expect us to try to take a step forward.

And that’s where the miracles happen.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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