When I attended Ward Choir while growing up, I remember thinking how easy it was. I was pretty good at sight reading music, and we would just go over our parts over and over.

And then I got into choirs in High School. All of a sudden, we were adding nuanced dynamics and shaping phrases. My mind was blown! This was so much more exciting, and took a lot more practice and focus.

And then I got into the Women’s Chorus at BYU. Suddenly, we were focusing on where the sound was resonating in your mouth when you sing, different styles of vibrato and tone, and tuning notes that didn’t sound that “off” to me.

If you had taken me to a BYU Choir concert when I was 12 years old, I would have said that the choirs sounded amazing because they were all singing the right notes.

If you had taken me to a BYU Choir concert when I was 17 years old, I would have told you how amazing their dynamics and phrasing were.

We only notice what we have the capacity to notice.

I like to think of some of the most Christlike people that I have known in my life.

When I was 12 years old, I would have told you they were Christlike because they were reading their scriptures and going to church.

When I was 17 years old, I would have told you they were Christlike because they were also kind and loving.

And now, at 29, I notice that they also regularly attend the temple. They volunteer to serve. They invite the spirit into their lives. They act on promptings regularly.

I only notice what I know to notice.

The Lord taught in D&C 50:24:

“He that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.”

At the beginning of our spiritual journey, we have light— but only a little.

And so I’ve been seeking to add more and more light to my life.

To gain more light and knowledge so that I recognize what other light and knowledge I still need.

And I know that my light can become brighter and brighter as I slowly become more and more Christlike, not even realizing what more I lack until I get to that next step.

Light adding to light, becoming brighter and brighter.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



10 Responses

  1. I read your inspirational messages religiously- I’m not even sure how I signed up, nor do I know allot about you. I just read your 29?! My jaw dropped, I thought you had to be seasoned with life’s experiences to have such great insight- only because sometimes it takes time and experiences to fully appreciate and get that type of insight. I think you corrected me in that as well- you only notice and understand what you have the capacity to. I appreciate your messages and often they come at the right time. I don’t always comment, but I do always enjoy these loving snippets- thank you.

    1. Thank you for being here! I love learning and growing as I study and share with others too. I’m glad my messages can help!

    2. I agree! She has a maturity that is rare at 29. She’s amazing and always take the scriptures to a new level that touches me in new ways.

  2. I love this thought! I wondered if it would be ok to post parts of your messages on FB if I give you the credit. They are definitely worth sharing! You have a beautiful way of expressing how I feel!

    1. Yes! You can definitely share. I also have an Facebook page that you can share directly from if that makes it easier. Thanks for being here and following along! ????

  3. Minha querida irmã,
    Como sou grata pelos teus pensamentos, instruções e exemplo!
    Gostaria que soubesses que uso as tuas palavras pala ilustrar as minhas aulas na Escola Dominical e efectivamente todas elas trazem mais luz e Espírito ao que aprendo e desejo aplicar na minha vida.
    Desejo muita saúde e paz!
    Mais uma vez, OBRIGADA!

    1. I’m so glad my words can help you and those you teach come closer to Christ! Thanks for following along as we learn together! ????

  4. You are affirming what we are learning right now about the “imperfect people” in our D&C study!! I’m loving your snippets!! Thank you!!

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