Throw out the self-help books, cuz all we need is Alma’s example!

(Okay, maybe keep a few of those books around, too…)⁣

You know what I’ve learned about Alma? ⁣

He seems to have established his personal boundaries pretty well. ⁣

He had two giant jobs (chief judge and high priest).

It was causing him a lot of sorrow, so he gave up the chief judge position. ⁣

And then, after teaching the saints in Gideon, “he returned to his own house at Zarahemla to rest himself from the labors which he had performed.” (Alma 8:1)⁣

He needed to go home and rest – so he did! ⁣

He knew that he couldn’t keep going from city to city without a break.

So he went home. ⁣

He used his down time to rest and refresh himself, and then he got back to work the next year as he traveled to Melek and Ammonihah. ⁣

That’s a delicate balance in the self-care realm, right? ⁣

To know when to rest, and to know when to get back to work. ⁣

I most certainly do not have this balance down perfectly. But I think I’m improving each day. ⁣

We can’t do the work we are meant to do on this earth if we are too tired. ⁣

And we also can’t do the work we are meant to do on this earth if we get lost in our relaxation. ⁣

The cool part?

I have learned that Heavenly Father wants to help us find this balance. ⁣

I’m sure Alma prayed as he traveled back home to rest, and I’m sure he prayed for guidance when he knew it was time to continue his high priest duties. ⁣

So I’m trying better to include my Heavenly Father in my self-care habits – to know when I’m over-indulging, and to know when I’m over-stretched. ⁣

Alma knew how to say “no” and how to rest when he needed it.

And I can learn how to set those necessary and divine boundaries, too.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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