As excited as I am about a new General Conference this weekend…

I know that I am going to feel overwhelmed by the things I want to change.

With hours and hours of messages, I always collect a lengthy list.

I’m ready to repent and become more Christlike right away in every single aspect.

But after a few days, something slowly starts to happen.

One theme will come over and over again to my mind.

One prompting will get stronger and stronger.

It’s like a sunrise.

Instead of a “lightbulb” moment where I’m hit with one big powerful change in a dramatic way…

It’s gradual.

And it gets brighter and brighter the more I focus on it.

That is one of the easiest ways I can recognize promptings from the Spirit.

A topic seems to come to my mind repeatedly.

I hear and read about it everywhere.

A little stronger each day until I’m ready to recognize the sun for what it is— a prompting.

It slowly builds until I feel like I am ready to take action! 

Although a much more somber topic, I can see that Jacob had a similar experience speaking to the Nephites.

“I this day am weighed down with much more desire and anxiety for the welfare of your souls than I have hitherto been.” (Jacob 2:3)

Although Jacob had a lot of different things he wanted to say to his audience, he felt that this particular topic kept coming to his mind, getting stronger and stronger.

It weighed his mind down more and more until he just couldn’t ignore it.

What patterns have you noticed in your thoughts and impressions recently?

This gradual but persistent growth might be how the Spirit gives you promptings, too.

Growing stronger and stronger.

Until we have enough light to see the way forward.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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