When Quin was born, I was shocked when they just let us put her in a car seat and drive her home from the hospital.

Like… I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with this baby!

Wasn’t someone going to make sure she was being fed and tighten up her swaddles when they fell apart?!

Giving birth sure didn’t make me feel qualified to be a mother.

Talk about a trusting Heavenly Father right?!

My daughter is as much His daughter as I am, and yet I’ve been given the huge blessing of being her mother here on earth.

I have been given solemn stewardship over this daughter of God for the next little bit.

She is His, but He is giving me an opportunity to show what kind of a steward I can be.

Some stewardships, such as parenting, are pretty long-term.

But other stewardships, such as callings we receive or possessions that we own, are much more temporary.

And yet… everything is His.

The Lord taught in D&C 104:57: “But, verily I say unto you, I have appointed unto you to be stewards over mine house, even stewards indeed.”

We’ve all been appointed a little bit of stewardship over a corner of God’s house.

Stewardship does not mean ownership, but instead implies a solemn loan in which we get to show our responsibility, maturity, and agency.

Today, I invite you to reflect on the people and things that you currently have stewardship over.

Am I being a good steward?

Not a perfect steward, but a good one who is trying my best to take care of the things that are His?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. Thank you for giving me greater a greater insight of becoming a parent. I must confess I had never thought that My baby was Gods’ Son and He has allowed me to raise him. I did understand and Believe that we all are children of Heavenly Father but just not in that terminology. Gives a different understanding for me. Appreciate your messages.

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