Am I good enough?

Am I doing enough?

Where is my standing with God?

I think about these questions a lot.

Actually, I think about them a little bit less now than I used to. But they are still there.

When I look around at a messy home and a kid climbs on top of me even when I’ve asked them not to and my to-do list is longer than ever, I wonder if I’m doing well enough.

But something else I’ve noticed about these moments?

I’m in self-pity.

And I’m NOT listening to the Spirit.

I’m thinking of all the ways that I’m falling short.

And I’m not trying to connect with the Divine, show gratitude, love, and grow.

On the flip side, those moments when I’m really in tune with the Spirit…

When I’m feeling love and prompting and clarity and guidance…

I KNOW that I’m enough.

I know that where my heart is matters most, and that it is in a good place.

I know that I will keep needing my Savior.

So sometimes I need to hear:

“Let your soul be at rest concerning your spiritual standing, and resist no more my voice.” D&C 108:2

When I am resisting the Spirit, when I think I know more about my value and worth than He does, then I feel tied down and heavy.

And when I allow myself to be comforted by that still small voice, then I feel confidence and peace.

Let your soul be at rest.

Stop resisting the comforting voice of the Spirit.

You are doing just great.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. PS Thanks SO much for using a BLACK font in your scripture illustration today. So much easier for me to read it! (and, perhaps, other old folks with developing cataracts.)

  2. Sometimes all it takes is to remember who we really are:
    “Ye were also in the beginning with the Father; that which is Spirit, even the Spirit of truth;”

    (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 93:23)

  3. I’ve struggled for many years with this until just recently. I’ve finally found that self care and self love are so vital to my mental well being and connecting with the spirit. I’d felt like others knew this secret that I just didn’t get. Thanks as always for your lovely insight and experiences shared.

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