Let’s compare the experiences Ammon and Aaron had during their missions:

Ammon fell in favor with the local ruler and ended up converting many to the gospel. ⁣

Aaron went from city to city finding only opposition and was eventually thrown in prison and deprived of food and clothing. ⁣

Why the difference?

Was Ammon more faithful or more deserving of a successful mission?⁣

“As it happened, it was their lot to have fallen into the hands of a more hardened and a more stiffnecked people.” (Alma 20:30)

It was just the different lots they had been given!

I think about the endless varieties of “lots” that each of us is dealt in this mortal life. ⁣

There are “lots” that I envy.

There are “lots” that I pity.

There are moments of extreme gratitude for my “lot.”

There are moments of disappointment for my “lot.”

But the “lots” that we have been given are not always a reflection of our faithfulness, righteousness, or knowledge.

The Lord knows what each of us is capable of doing and becoming.

The Lord knew Ammon could handle his “lot.”

He knew Aaron could handle his “lot.”

He knows that you and I can handle whatever “lots” we’ve been given in this life.

And no matter the “lot”, He wants us to turn to Him and invite Him to comfort, love, teach, and direct in exactly the way we need it.

“God’s love is not found in the circumstances of our lives but in His presence in our lives.” – Susan H. Porter

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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