I promise this isn’t a #humblebrag, but I’m pretty musically talented.

So all those lessons growing up in Primary and Young Women’s where we would have to write down everyone’s spiritual gifts or talents?

I always got the same messages on my post-it notes:

“You are soooo good at playing the piano!”

“You are an amazing singer!”

“You did great when you played ____ in the musical last year!”

It always made me wonder what my spiritual gifts were.

Because I knew that my talents that I had been given, and then worked hard to cultivate, weren’t actually of big consequence in the grand scheme of things.

I KNEW I was musically talented, and that I was smart in school, but I also knew that Heavenly Father gave me more to help build up His kingdom.

I just didn’t know what it was.

Until I went to a Girls’ Camp, and we did this activity yet again, where we wrote everyone’s special strengths and gifts on sticky notes and put them on each other’s backs.

When I took my sticky notes off of my back, one of my camp leaders had written: “You know that you are crazy talented. But I love that you always make sure everyone is included. You have such a gift for noticing who is being left out and trying to include them in whatever fun things are going on.

I never forgot that note.

I’m not sure exactly what Ammaron and Mormon’s relationship was like.

But I know that Ammaron told young, 10-year-old Mormon that he was “a sober child, and… quick to observe.

And Mormon said: “I remembered the things which Ammaron commanded me.

And Mormon wrote Ammaron’s compliment and commandment down, at least 14 years later. (Mormon 1:2-5)

Sometimes, it’s really hard to recognize our own spiritual gifts.

But I think it’s actually pretty easy to see the spiritual gifts, strengths, and talents that others have.

When we tell other people the gifts that we see in them, it can make a lifetime of an impression.

Especially to young kids.

So here’s today’s slightly uncomfortable challenge:

Tell someone, young or old, family member or new acquaintance, what spiritual gifts or special qualities they have.

And I have a feeling your words will never leave them.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



8 Responses

  1. Thank you this great idea. I want to share with each of my grandchildren what I feel is their spiritual strengths are. ????????????

      1. I’m a primary president – in COVID it’s difficult reaching out to all the primary children. But with the teachers and activity leaders help we could totally do this for all the children! Thank you for the great idea.

  2. When I was in young woman’s our mia maid leader had previously collected comments on what our parents thought our spiritual gifts were. During the lesson, she shared what our parents said about us. My mother said, “Hannah is a peacemaker in our home.” My young woman’s leader commented on what my mother said about me and told me that she thought it was one of the most important spiritual gifts out there. Now I am married and interact with many children on a daily basis as a 2nd-grade teacher. I have never forgotten my young woman leader’s compliment and I recognize the importance of being a peacemaker. It helps me have a stronger marriage as I try to live up to this spiritual gift I have been given.

    Thank you for relating the come follow me reading to real-life examples and things I can think about and cultivate in my own life.

    1. Oh I love this! Thank you for sharing! What an amazing gift. And I really think it helps us cultivate our own gifts when others actually tell us what they are – we tend to want to live up to what they say about us! <3

  3. Such a great insight. That is so true about our ability to impact someone else. I always make sure to tell someone when I think something nice about them, even if it’s a stranger and her cute hair or cool shirt. One time in a gas station a lady almost cried when I told her I liked her shirt. Sharing positive vibes will always help!

    1. Haha seriously though! It’s those little things that seem like no big deal to us, that end up making all the difference to someone else! <3

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