
For some reason, I get a little emotional when I think about the angel who visited Alma and told him to return to Ammonihah.

Because we get a small glimpse of this unknown angel’s emotions.

This angel praises Alma in a way that only someone who sees the “big picture” can do.

He tells Alma to lift up his head and rejoice, because he has stayed faithful and kept the commandments. And not to let his head hang down because of perceived “failures”.

And then I can hear the hint of pride and love in the angel’s words as he reminds Alma that he was the same angel who had appeared to him during his first life-changing vision.

But I have a feeling Alma didn’t need the reminder of who the angel was.

What a cool privilege for this angel – to be the one to twice visit Alma and guide his paths.

I imagine that this small encounter outside of Ammonihah was an emotional one.

And has the day of angels ceased today?

Absolutely not.

Angels, both seen and unseen, are still sent to guide us on our path and bring comfort.

I believe that it is a sacred and special spiritual gift for some to be able to recognize their presence more than others.

But we are also surrounded by mortal friends and family members who can act as literal angels as they listen to promptings and respond.

Ultimately, God will not leave us alone and unaided.

Whether he can use a loving mother, an inspired friend, or send a literal angel’s presence, we will not be alone when we trust that God will provide.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I remember hearing John Bytheway years ago telling us how the angel who visited Alma was the same one who visited him the first time. I absolutely love this part every time I read the Book of Mormon. And I also get emotional realizing how very thin the veil is, with these angels round about us. Thanks for your insights!

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