Isn’t it kinda cool that we get to see all of Satan’s playbook exposed?

There’s no secret for who is winning this war. We KNOW that Satan will lose. 

But we also know that he will take many souls down with him. 

In 2 Nephi 28, we are also given some details about his top 3 strategies for dragging people down to hell and misery with him. 

ANGER. “Stir them up to anger against that which is good.” (v20)

PACIFY. “All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth”. (v21)

FLATTER. “There is no hell… I am no devil, for there is none”. (v22)

Now, I can almost guarantee that it was easy to think of OTHER people who have clearly fallen for each of these tactics from the adversary. 

But, my mantra for scripture study has always been and will always be: “Lord, is it I?”

First, do I have ANGER? Am I ever angry because someone else is doing good things and they are getting recognition that I am not? Am I frustrated when someone wants to do something the right way instead of the easier way, and it becomes inconvenient for me? Am I ever angry at a group of people who are just trying to do good?

Second, do I allow myself to be FLATTERED? Am I ever flattered to think that Satan wouldn’t spend any of his time on me? Do I allow the adversary to whisper in my ears without realizing it? Do I think that my sins aren’t that bad and that I would never actually receive punishment? Do I allow Satan to feed off of my pride?

And then there’s PACIFY. I think it is interesting that this is the only tactic of the adversary that mentions “Zion” – which makes me think this is the biggest stumbling block for people IN the church. Do I think that everything is just fine and dandy in my life right now, simply because I am a member of the church? Do I become too comfortable with my spiritual progression? Do I not even notice the little sins that have crept into my life because I have let my guard down? Do I think “enduring to the end” means coasting and not actively reaching out in love to people around me? 

Whew. Those are a lot of questions to consider. 

And, just like a battle, there are certain strategies that are going to work on certain people more than others. 

So what tactic is Satan using to try and lead YOU “carefully down to hell”? 

I honestly think that just recognizing his sneakiness and calling it out makes a big difference in casting him out of our lives. 

And we can do this, because we have his playbook! We KNOW he will lose, but we KNOW what desperate attempts he will make on us on his way down. 

“Get thee hence!” 

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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