
How does this emotion play a role in your life?

Pres Uchtdorf taught:

“When someone opposes or disagrees with us, it’s tempting to assume that there must be something wrong with them. And from there it’s a small step to attach the worst of motives to their words and actions…

“When we do so with anger or hate in our hearts—when we lash out at others to hurt, shame, or silence them—chances are we are not doing so in righteousness.”

In Nephi’s record, he refers to ANGER quite often.

Usually, his brothers are angry at Nephi for their circumstances.

Other times, his brothers are angry because they have been rebuked.

And yet, even when Nephi was tied up and in dire situations, he never felt anger toward his brothers.

Do we attach “good intentions” to our actions while automatically assuming everyone else who disagrees with us is motivated by hate or selfishness?

That’s what brews anger.

Or do we recognize that our own discipleship has pretty much nothing to do with the actions of people around us – that we have been commanded to love our enemies?

In Nephi’s tender lamentation, he mourns that he feels anger because of Satan’s hold in his life.

Anger at ourselves for our sins is a fruitless endeavor, too.

We can’t hate ourselves into righteousness, and Nephi recognized his own tendencies to feel anger because of his sins and temptations.

Nephi knew that eliminating anger in his life meant always showing love to his brothers, but also finding peace within his own mind.

Love for our enemies, and love for ourselves.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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